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Licorice Extracts

Product Name:Licorice Extracts
Source: Glycyrrhiza glabra
CAS No: 59870-68-7
Molecular Formula: C20H20O4
Molecular Weight: 324.37
Appearance: Yellowish Brown Powder
Purity: 5%-40% by HPLC
Application:animal remedy additives
Advantage: bulk stock in USA warehouse;

What is Licorice Extracts?

Since forever ago, individuals have utilized licorice extracts to lessen irritation, mitigate stomach related issues and treat upper respiratory issues.

While individuals have been utilizing licorice extracts as a characteristic solution for hundreds of years, there is deficient logical evidence to help large numbers of its accounted for medical advantages.

Notwithstanding, extract licorice is as yet a famous therapeutic fixing and is accessible in many structures, including home grown teas, confections, containers of dried spice, and fluid concentrate.


20200714105444abd95abca56c4c43afba44883c842f5e-9Basic Information:

Latin name

Radix Glycyrrhizae

Part used


Extraction Type

Solvent Extraction

Active Ingrdients

Glycyrrhizic Acid, Glycyrrhizin

Cas No.



Sweet root, red licorice, pink licorice, sweet grass

Test Method



Glycyrrhizic Acid 7% in brownish yellow, 98% in white powder, Glycyrrhizin 10%


Reddish brown powder




Licorice Extracts Application:

Licorice For Respiratory Issues

Licorice extracts can function admirably as a characteristic hack reliever. It can assist with releasing bodily fluid to assist your canine with ousting it from his lungs. It’s likewise relieving and calming so can facilitate a sensitive throat.

Licorice For Liver Wellbeing

In Chinese and Japanese medication, licorice extracts is utilized to treat hepatitis and as a liver detoxifier. Botanist Gregory Tilford says this implies it tends to be a decent decision to safeguard your canine’s liver as a choice to drain thorn.

Licorice For Addison’s Sickness

The steroid-like activities of extract licorice mean it might assist with treating Addison’s sickness. With Addison’s, your canine has deficient creation of chemicals by the adrenal organs.


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  • We believe that every animal deserves to receive the best possible care, and our products are designed to provide that care.
  • We have a dynamic service team to better serve our customers.
  • We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver products that are safe, effective, and easy to use.
  • Administration selling advantage, Credit rating attracting buyers for Licorice Extracts.
  • Our products are designed to be safe and effective, providing natural alternatives to harsh chemicals and pharmaceuticals.
  • We are committed to establishing a corporate image, improving the quality of employees, increasing brand awareness, and providing good services to domestic and foreign customers with a scientific management model.
  • Our commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in everything we do, from our products to our customer service.
  • ‘All for users, all from innovation’ is our company’s business policy.
  • We are passionate about providing animals with natural remedies that promote optimal health and wellbeing.
  • We will provide you with honest, high quality and efficient service to meet your requirements.

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